The Hughes Group - Insurance for You!

The Hughes Group - Insurance for You!

Decades of Insurance Experience
Meet Marix Hughes
At The Hughes Group, We have over 50+ years of experience here to help you design and develop your coverage needs. From Personal lines insurance like Auto and Home, to coverage for the toys you love to hangout and use on the weekends, like Boats and RV's, to planning your retirement. We have the time, so let us help you protect the assets you have worked a lifetime for. It does not matter if you are just starting out with a new home, or retired, our job is to cover you based on Your Needs.
Call us now and let's schedule to time to build your coverage!
All you have to do is call us or fill out the form below and we will start working for you today!
Your Agency For Life!
6803 Summer Ave Memphis, TN 38134Monday Through Thursday 9-5
Friday 8-4
Weekends by Appointment901-373-6060
Copyright@ The Hughes Group 2024